WINTER CUP 2023に向けて【留学生 編】
男女バスケットボール部がまもなく開催されるWINTER CUP2023に向け出発します。バスケットボール部には3名の留学生が在籍しており、今回初めてウィンターカップに出場します。コーチ、チームメイトを信頼し、ベストを尽くしてウィンターカップでの勝利を目指しています。彼らのウィンターカップへの意気込み、思いを英文で載せましたのでお読みください。
It is my first Winter Cup since I came to Japan and I think it is a very important competition.We have worked very hard and it has helped us qualify for the tournament.We have had the oppourtunity to be trained by one of the most experienced coaches in Japan.He has been patient in helping us improve our weaknesses and strengths. It has been a fun year playing basketball in Fukushima Toryo High School, the players and staff have been encouraging. We are all here to support each other and we will take every game step by step until we can take no more.
Momoh Abdul Samod Collins(コリンズ)
I’m very happy that my team qualified for the Winter Cup to Tokyo. It is my first time playing the Winter Cup. It is a very important competition for me and my teammates. Our goal for the Winter Cup games is to get to Top 4. We just have to do our best, put in all the effort we have, and not give up our fighting spirit.I believe in my teammates and coach.
Ossai Favour Chinoye(チノエ)
This is my second year in Japan and I am so glad I made it to the Winter Cup with my team for the first time.We are working hard and we’ll give our best so that we can become one of the best schools in Japan.
Dreams do come to reality. We never give up and we are also determined to do our best. Ganbarimashou!
Adebayo Oyinloluwa Joseph(ジョセフ)